
The G4 Alliance is dedicated to building political priority for surgical, obstetric, trauma and anaesthesia care
as part of the global development agenda. With our member organizations, we provide a collective voice
in support of increased access to safe surgical care for all.


The G4 Alliance recognizes the crucial role of the World Health Organization (WHO), especially during the worldwide pandemic of the coronavirus.  The world relies on global health coordination, now more than ever.  We strongly encourage Member States to continue supporting and working with the WHO as it seeks to fulfill its mandate of coordinating global health, ensuring technical cooperation, and promoting research.  Now more than ever, the global community needs to support WHO in "attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health."  



We are compiling a calendar and database of online events related to SOTA care.
Please contact us to add your event to the calendar!

The G4 Alliance stands in solidarity with the frontline health care workers, patients, families, and communities
fighting the COVID-19 pandemic on many fronts.

Read our statement and view resources


The G4 Alliance is a collaborative partner of InterSurgeon.

Learn more


Watch all our videos here

